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Garth Hewitt Concert 27th June

Garth Hewitt Concert 27th June

Following his successful concert last year at Sketty, I am delighted that Garth Hewitt is including us again in his UK tour. Garth is the founder member of the Amos Trust: a Christian charity that campaigns for justice for  oppressed peoples all over the world, including the Palestinians, the Dalits, and the downtrodden of Nicaragua […]


THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS Rotary Club of Swansea  THE GWALIA SINGERS  at Sketty Methodist Church Saturday 10th May 2014 7.30 pm  Concert in aid of END POLIO NOW  Tickets £10.00 (students and children £5.00) Available in advance from  Mike Whitehead tel. 01792 299127 or,    or On The Door.  For further […]

Holy Week services around the circuit

For Easter Day Services please see the plan Sketty: (Rev. Leslie Noon) Maundy Thursday: 7:30pm  A journey from light to dark Good Friday: 2:30pm Vigil, 7:30pm Film – Jesus Christ Superstar Penlan: Good Friday: 1pm Walk of Witness, 2pm St Albans Brunswick: (Rev. Siperire) Maundy Thursday: 7pm Foot Washing and Holy Communion Good Friday: 10:30am Drama, 7pm Crucified and Crowned Mumbles: (Rev. Howard Long) […]

Welcome To Swansea – 2 new ministers joi

Welcome To Swansea – 2 new ministers join us

On Thursday 29th August the Swansea and Gower Methodist Circuit officially welcomed two new ministers to the area. The Methodist Conference stationed Rev Leslie Noon and Rev Siperire Mugadzaweta to serve in the circuit from September 1st after formerly serving in Huddersfield and Coventry respectively.   The Circuit Superintendent Rev Howard Long welcomed family members […]