I have pastoral responsibility for the congregations in Gower (Murton, Horton, Pitton, and Reynoldston)

You can contact me on 01792 232867

Why Jesus?

Let’s get things straight… Following Jesus is not about being ‘religious’. In fact, Jesus came to challenge the ‘religion’ of his day. He questioned the outward purity that many religious people were keen to display because he recognised the impurity of their hearts.

Jesus never came to tie us into religious formula, or dogmatic creeds. He was a liberator. Christian religion that offers freedom is truly of Jesus. If it seeks to oppress, it is not!

This is a particular kind of freedom. It is freedom shaped by the life that Jesus led and the death that he died on the cross. It is freedom not to be self obsessed, but freedom to put the other first. It is freedom not to accumulate wealth and riches for ourselves, but freedom to be content, and share what we have.

It is freedom not to stand up for our own rights, but to lay them aside for the rights of others. It is freedom not to be judged by external appearances, but by our inner strength and beauty fashioned by God.

But it is more than that. It is the freedom to believe that we can know our hearts set free from the darkness and desperation of sin and despair, allowing the Spirit of God to remake us.

Followers of Jesus experience the incredible truth that Jesus must have actually risen from the dead!

It therefore follows that the powers of darkness cannot have a lasting hold on any human life. That is incredibly good news that changes lives!

Our churches and chapels can only offer you a poor model of what it is to be truly like Jesus. For we understand that we are all fallen and in need of God’s grace. But we invite you to join us, not because of numbers or money, but because we are passionate that Jesus is worth getting to know, and that his love is for you, too!